Epitaph für Colin Wilkie




Calling Colin, calling Colin,                                               CFCF


There’s no one else like the story telling man.              CFG


calling Colin, calling Colin,                                                CFCF


many songs he wrote, I tell you, man, I can.                 CFCG


See his righthand finger-                                                  a a/G


nails so long and strong,                                                   F-


If you asked him, he would play                                       a a/G


a lovely song.                                                                      F-


For decades and many a year –                                      d


He was the picking pioneer                                              F


made the people laugh and cheer,                                  G


the picking pioneer.                                                            FC




Calling Colin, calling Colin,


in more than one more city,


he sang more than one more song.


Calling Colin, calling Colin,


He hit the road for touring all the years so long.


Far away from home it is not an easy life –


he left behind what he       


loved most – his son, his wife.     


He picked the strings so loud and clear,


He was the picking pioneer,


listen to him, lend your ear


to the picking pioneer.




Das war Colin, so war Colin -      


Ein junger Alter – wie ein echter Peter Pan,


Das war Colin, das war Colin -


Er lachte dich nie aus – er lachte dich stets an.


Nach seinem Schabernack sang er dir etwas vor –


ein Schelm mit Liedern, voll mit Witz und mit Humor. 


Lass dich fallen, gönn es dir,


lausch dem Picking-Pionier,


kannst was lernen, glaub es mir  


vom Picking-Pionier.




Copyright 2020 Gerd Schinkel